Hear from a panel of men’s ministry experts from Man in the Mirror as we discuss how best to relaunch the ministry to men at your church!

TOPICS discussed in this webinar:

What’s the first step we MUST take? 

  1. Gather your leaders to pray, connect, and care for each other…then start looking outward. 
  2. Assessment:
    • Check in with your pastor – their state of mind, fatigue, etc. 
    • Assess the state of ministry to men in the church. What’s been going on with regular men’s ministry activities?
    • Know your men. Where are they at? What are they doing?

How can we get up and running right now? 

  1. Know your church. What are the re-opening plans/phases/steps. How can you appropriately plan men’s ministry activities within state guidelines? 
  2. Write everything in pencil – be flexible.
  3. Now is the time…you’re probably ahead of most churches already! 
  4. Don’t surrender the summer. If you can gather men, gather right away.
PRACTICAL IDEAS discussed in this webinar:

Find three simple ways to minister to men here: maninthemirror.org/relaunching

  1. Man in the Mirror Bible Study – A free online video Bible study for men.
  2. GO Men’s Study – A 4-week online course, perfect for men who may never been in a small group before. Includes video teaching, discussion questions, a 25-page color Guidebook with daily devotions, and helpful tips for group leaders.
  3. The Christian Man book giveaway for Father’s Day – Books by the Box come in boxes of 12 and 48 for as little as $2.06 each.

BONUS IDEA: Strategic planning with the help of a local Area Director!


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