Man In The Mirror

Case Studies

See how Man in the Mirror has impacted the lives of thousands of men.

— Man In The Mirror

Case Work

Man In The Mirror

Case Work

From Visiting to Belonging - group of men at church talking and joking around

Church Spotlight: From Visiting to Belonging

When a man walks into a church for the first time, it’s a sacred moment. What often determines what’s next is whether or not that church was ready for him. This week, we’re spotlighting one church’s commitment to bringing a man from visiting to belonging.

men's discipleship plan, men's ministry plan, the power of a plan, planning materials

Men’s Discipleship: The Power of a Plan

Through the help of a coach, practical training, prayer, and the right resource, here’s how one church in Alabama went from a patchwork approach for men’s discipleship to a ministry plan with a purpose. And how God us using it to lift the church as a whole.

Men on a road trip navigating the journey together

Navigating the Journey Together

“I was in a real dark place, and this all started right at the time I needed it. God always knows what He’s doing.” This week, we’re spotlighting how the men in one Southern California church are on a journey of discovery, friendship, and transformation.

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