— Man In The Mirror
Man In The Mirror Blog
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How to Endure Hardship: The Soldier, the Athlete, and the Farmer
It’s clear that Paul expected Timothy to experience suffering, and we are no different. The scriptures talk about WHEN we meet trials of various kinds, not IF. How then should we prepare and train so that when trials come, we are able to endure hardship?
Entrusting the Message to Faithful Men
Jesus told the disciples it’s not that men don’t want to meet Him. It’s that there aren’t enough men to make a credible introduction. In Paul’s plan for Timothy to safeguard and spread the gospel of Jesus, we see how we are entrusted to make the connection.
How Autonomy Fails and Grace Prevails
In our culture, we desire autonomy, and self-determination and self-reliance are some of our highest ideals. But eventually, every man comes to the end of himself. When you find yourself drowning, what’s your next move? And importantly, what is God’s?
Prison, Chains, and Heart Attacks: A Man’s Call to Inconvenient Friendship
While in chains, Paul wrote to Timothy about men turning their backs on him. But he also reminded him of the power of having a true friend in hard times. How do we leave fair-weather friendship behind, and why is it critical to our lives as disciples?
Put On Your Oxygen Mask Before Assisting Others
Recently I visited an 82-year-old friend from the past. He was feeling low. When we finally got down to why, it was this: he had lost his sense of purpose. How does that happen, and how can we make sure it doesn’t happen to us? He had run out of “spiritual oxygen.”
Permission to Speak Freely
Paul spent more than a decade with Timothy as brothers, co-laborers, and, in a spiritual sense, father and son. He had permission to speak freely into his life. The truth Paul shared with him about hope, suffering, and shame impacts us and our relationships in profound ways…