A special Giving Tuesday message from the Man in the Mirror Team

When COVID-19 hit this year, many businesses, schools, and churches closed their doors. We were forced to ask what leaders and pastors all over the world were asking: How do you continue to disciple men in a pandemic—men who have lost their jobs, loved ones, sense of community, and routines?

As men have struggled, we’ve all seen the sobering increases in suicide rates, domestic violence calls, substance abuse, mental health issues, and pornography use. [Sources]

But just as a struggling man impacts everything and everyone around him, so does a man transformed by Christ! Relevant, relationship-based discipleship is more important now than ever. Discipleship changes everything

With that truth at the center of our mission, our team at Man in the Mirror quickly pivoted in March to begin implementing new ways to serve pastors, equip leaders, and transform men.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”How do you continue to disciple men in a pandemic—men who have lost their jobs, loved ones, sense of community, and routines?” quote=”How do you continue to disciple men in a pandemic—men who have lost their jobs, loved ones, sense of community, and routines?”]

We’ve worked hard to develop innovative ways of using technology to train, disciple, and provide community. Likewise, our Area Directors have been on the ground, supporting overwhelmed church leaders in their local regions, as well as personally ministering to hurting men.

THE BIG IDEA: Relevant, relationship-based discipleship is more important now than ever. Discipleship changes everything.

Although we have had to make sacrifices along the way, reducing staff and canceling several events and projects, through it all, we have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Now, as we come to the end of 2020, we are looking forward with bold plans to 2021. We want to continue seeing men’s lives changed through the power of the gospel, and are developing new initiatives to reach millennials and expand our international ministry. But we need your help.

Today on Giving Tuesday, would you prayerfully consider helping us continue this critical work? Together, we can change everything!


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