Men are often called ‘doers.’ We like projects, getting things done, mowing the grass. Find a broken car engine, you’ll probably find a few men standing around trying to fix it.

We love to serve our families and careers, too. Nothing rewards a man emotionally more than the respect and love of his family because he is a protector and provider. It’s part of our DNA. (Genesis 2:15)

Then the Holy Spirit comes in and starts to rearrange our priorities. Now new questions arise: how do I serve the church or other Christians? What does it mean to serve like Jesus? 

But sometimes, it’s easy to get swept along by the busyness of life and put the call to serve others with humility and love on the back burner. The key to developing a heart for service is not to separate acts of service into a category of conduct; instead, it must be adopted as a way of life modeled perfectly by Jesus.

Jesus, Our Ultimate Example

Jesus’ entire ministry on earth was rooted in service. In Mark 10:45, He says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Think about that for a moment. The Creator of the universe — the King of kings — chose to serve us. He healed the sick, taught the truth, washed the feet of His disciples, and ultimately gave His life for our salvation.

Service was not just what Jesus did; it was who He was. He showed us that serving others starts with a posture of humility. In John 13:14-15, after washing His disciples’ feet, Jesus told them, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” 

If Jesus, who is above all, could stoop to serve, how can we do any less?

The Call to Serve in Our Own Lives

For many of us, the challenge is not that we don’t understand the call to serve — it’s putting it into action. Often, serving others requires us to set aside our pride, time, and personal agendas. It might look like mentoring a younger believer, stepping up to help in your church’s men’s ministry, or simply being fully present with your family after a long day when you would rather watch a football game. Or, it could require more, such as helping a family member with groceries after they lost a job, or caring for a sick parent over a long period. In a culture that is constantly urging us to prioritize ourselves over others, serving becomes a revolutionary act.

But the thing is, we’ve seen incredible transformations in men’s lives when they embrace a servant’s heart. How do you foster this transformation? There are a number of powerful resources and tools that can help churches create thriving men’s programs that inspire men to step into service and leadership roles. In fact, as Jesus demonstrated, service is the only leadership that counts. No matter how many times you witness it, it is always inspiring to see how serving others will deepen a man’s faith, strengthen his relationships, and foster true biblical manhood.

Mentorship: A Powerful Act of Service

One impactful way we can serve is by mentoring younger believers. Older, experienced men pour into the lives of younger men their wisdom and experience, helping to guide them through the challenges of faith, family, and life. When we share our time, wisdom, and struggles with younger brothers in Christ, we’re not just helping them grow — we’re living out the call to serve. In doing so, we find that we, too, are transformed.

The Blessings of Service

Serving others may feel like a sacrifice, but the truth is, it’s one of the greatest blessings we can experience. Serving others aligns our hearts with God’s will and reminds us that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. As men of faith, let’s commit to following Jesus’ example of humble service. Let’s strive to be men who lead with love, humility, and purpose — not just in our families but in our communities, workplaces, and churches.

Take the Next Step

If you desire to develop a heart for service and want some help, check out the resources available on the Man in the Mirror website. We welcome the opportunity to walk alongside you in growing into the men God has called us to be: men who serve as Jesus served and love as Jesus loved.

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