Trying to discover who you are and where you fit in while figuring out how to make your way in the world can fill you with self-doubt. The road to maturity is often peppered with poor decisions and wrong turns that can bring a man down before he’s even had a chance to stand on his own two feet. Attempting to live up to expectations – your family’s, your own, and society’s – can feel overwhelming.

And let’s face it: today’s secular culture does not help. Even (or maybe especially) if you have grown up in a close Christian household, navigating your way through school, forming meaningful relationships, and dealing with job and career issues are all tasks fraught with traps and obstacles that can trip you up when it comes to what you say and do. These factors may be tempting you to put your Christian faith on the back burner while you focus on what feels most pressing today. 

The Power of Faith

With so much lined up against you, you may think the wiser course is to keep your faith “in your pocket” for now, saving it for later when your life is not in such turmoil. Don’t fall for it!

Here’s the thing: what’s your final destination? Being with God in heaven? If so, what makes you think you can get there by taking a detour? Especially when you don’t know when God may call you home!

Remember this: every life has ups and downs – even the lives of those who look like they have it all together from the world’s perspective. All you have to do is look (if you can stand it!) at the celebrity magazines in the grocery check-out line. Half the time, the headline is about how this or that wealthy celebrity is getting divorced, has a feud with some other celebrity, or is struggling with addiction and its consequences. It sure doesn’t look like the world has all the answers. So why would you jettison the one thing – the only thing – that can make your life meaningful, set you on the path to eternity, and bring you the stability you crave? 

Faith in Jesus Christ will lead to the purpose and direction we all crave as men. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” 

Faith isn’t just a Sunday morning thing; it’s a daily walk that can guide your every decision, from the mundane to the monumental. When you learn to trust in God, you gain the wisdom and courage to face life head-on, knowing that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. God’s got you covered.

Building a Strong Foundation for the Future

Embracing your faith isn’t just about helping you now; it’s about laying a foundation for your future. You know Jesus’ story about building a house on shifting sand. No matter how beautiful the house is or how strong it looks on the outside, it won’t stand for long when rain, floods, and wind come along. And don’t kid yourself; every life will suffer rain, floods, and wind. Without a strong foundation of faith, you’ll get swept away by the pressures and temptations of the world, and, just as with that house, great will be your fall.

Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” 

So why waste effort by standing alone on a shaky foundation? Don’t make turning away from your faith one of those bad decisions you regret in middle age or at the end of your life. When you build your life on the solid foundation of Christ from the very beginning, you are setting yourself up for success in your future. You are training yourself like an athlete to be a stronger husband, father, and leader who is respected for your great love, integrity, and wisdom.

Faith and Community: A Ripple Effect

A young man grounded in faith is more likely to make positive choices, serve others, and lead by example. He becomes a pillar of strength that others can lean on. That cannot help but benefit his family, workplace, church, and community.

Faith has a way of multiplying itself. When you’re passionate about your faith, you can inspire others to do the same. Before you know it, you’ve got a community of men actively living out their faith, making a tangible difference in the world around them. As the old saying goes, “You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can’t count the apples in a seed.” Embracing your faith could be the start of something much bigger than you imagine.

Not only will Jesus be walking by your side, but you will quickly find that others are ready to help you walk your path. Church leaders, parents, and friends can help you grow into the man God created you to be. Now, while you’re young, is the time to commit to following the One who can bring meaning and purpose to the life ahead of you. He has wonderful plans for you. All you have to do is be willing.

He will make you able.

Man in the Mirror has plenty of resources and ideas about how to walk your path—not just books and DVDs but connections to mentors and ministries. If you’re looking for resources or ideas, visit our website. You’ll find valuable tools to help guide you on your journey of faith. Let’s work together to build a future where men stand up, firm in their faith and ready to lead their families and communities with courage and conviction.

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