by Jamie Turco | Jun 8, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
Men are running to keep up with the demands of a culture that requires more energy than they have to give, and ministry leaders are no exception. In a simple story of two sisters named Mary and Martha, we find a better way—one that transforms everything. By Patrick...
by Jamie Turco | Jun 1, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
Pain has the power to send our theology into a tailspin. “Does God know? Does He care? Why doesn’t He do anything about it?” As opaque and impenetrable as it seems, suffering plays a significant role in our lives on the road to redemption. By Patrick...
by Jamie Turco | May 25, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
You don’t have to preach a Father’s Day sermon to honor the men of your church! Here are five unique ways you can engage men this Father’s Day and help them live out the Christian life at home and in community. By Brett Clemmer President & CEO...
by Jamie Turco | May 19, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
In this series, we’re exploring the voices in your mind fighting for control of the conversation: the voice of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Now we come to the one that is exponentially more powerful than the first three combined—the voice of the Holy Spirit....
by Jamie Turco | May 11, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
It’s clear Jesus believed Satan to be a real being—not a social construct or symbolic figure, but a true entity. How much power does he have though? What does the voice of the devil sound like in your head? And how can you silence him? This is part four of our...
by Jamie Turco | May 4, 2021 | Man in the Mirror Blog
In Paul’s lament, “What I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do,” we all recognize our own struggle. No one is deaf to the voice of the flesh! Its sinful cravings are limitless, but most of us hear the voice of the flesh in one of three...