Man In The Mirror

Man In The Mirror Blog

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The Role of Accountability Partners in Christian Growth

One of our deepest convictions is that accountability partners play a vital role in helping men grow spiritually.

How to Plan and Lead a Men’s Retreat

Let’s walk through a few steps together to help you plan a retreat that will leave a lasting mark on the men in your church and community.

The Role of Men in Church Ministry

We can’t grow in isolation, and our brothers in Christ need us just as much as we need them. Ministry is both a responsibility and a gift.

Leadership in Faith: What It Means to Be a Christian Leader

What does it mean to lead as a Christian man? It’s a question that speaks not to our abilities, but to the core of our faith.

Incorporating Faith into Everyday Conversations

As Christian men embracing biblical manhood, our aim is to live authentic Christian lives every moment of every day.

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